Dreams deferred-
Not reassured
By the assurance of fate
when sirens blare
signaling despair
bullets found their mark, dark-
ness never felt so good
wish i could
fly away
at the place i've seen, clean
conscience, all this nonsense
swept away
by wandering winds
holding hopeful glimpses
of what could be
but reality
like a heavy stone
so soon returns
the branch of enmity.
did it ever leave?
from nightly horrors-
when sun appears between the clouds
then, lost in shadow,
too soon departs, smell of despair
still in the air
the yoke i bear
so willingly.
cruel hoax,
on me,
how i dreamt so foolishly.
Is this my fate,
this tragedy-
devil hides, waits
behind a mask of piety?
son of man stands,
his hands
still torn for me.